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Ten Words

๐ŸŽ™๏ธ The Weekly Show Full of BIG Ideas, Small Words and Short Sentences ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ  

Nov 19, 2018

Tony Robbins Ten Words

"What's your motivation? What's great? What's missing? What's preventing this?"


He's one of the top business coaches in the world worth over $6Bn who left an abusive home, to work as a janitor on $40 a week. What was the one thing which changed his life, and what can we learn from the way that he communicates to over...

Nov 3, 2018

jeremy waite ten words

"You can change the world just by sharing your story".


What started out as a bit of fun earlier this year has taken on a life of its own. Around 20,000 people now listen to the Ten Words podcast each week, to look behind the scenes and who said what and why.


So in this episode, I review the story so far and pick...

Oct 29, 2018

Eugene Peterson

"God, let it be with me just as you say".


He's a poet, pastor, preacher, philosopher and storyteller. He's the author of 40 books but is best known for The Message. A translation of the bible which took him over 20 years to write and has sold over 17M copies, making him one of the most important (yet largely unknown)...

Oct 24, 2018

Yuja Wang Ten Words

"I donโ€™t practice. Practice is for beginners. I rehearse".


Yuja Wang is regarded among classical music aficionados as being one of the most important artists of our generation. So wide is her appeal and influence on artists of all genres that Red Bull even sponsored her for a documentary about the art of...

Oct 16, 2018

Tom Hanks ten words

"Life is a grand adventure, so keep writing and reading".


His films have grossed over $9Bn, he has won two Academy Awards and is regularly referred to as "the nicest man in Hollywood". In this exciting episode of the Ten Words podcast I look beyond Tom's filmography and focus on how he approaches the creative process...